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About Us started in 2013 as a brand new concept seeds brand, sprouted from pure dissatisfaction with the products other seeds selling companies are offering. An expensive purchase often followed by dissapointment.

Procare Group
Magic Seeds is part of the Procare Group, mostly known as being the world leading Magic Truffles producer.With over 20 years of growth experience in various industries, the Procare Group*) decided to start her own seed brand....Magic</p> <p>The concept is simple…: let everybody do where he/she is good at.
Feminized seeds
Some are good in producing feminized seeds, some are good at producing regular seeds and others are good at marketing the various skills of all kinds of people and combine the good things, instead of pulling the load on their own.</p> <p>That’s exactly how MagicSeeds.NL saw its first light of days.
Brand new concept
MagicSeeds brings you the best of Feminized, Regular Feminine, AutoMagic and Medicinal seeds, which can be found on the market. By putting everyone’s individual efforts together, we managed to to come to the ideal concept of growing your own. We here by introduce 30 of the most wanted species and we strive to expand this number as growers needs extend. Therefore, we want to bring you a brand new concept, which brings you the total blooming concept of your favorite herb, with a 100% germination and blooming guarantee.